I Used To Be a...

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    Saturday, March 13, 2010

    Facebook Rules


    My Name is Robert Philcox and you're reading my rules on my Facebook Account.

    (The FB Blackjack server busy again was it? or were you playing Farmville?)

    anyway we should stick to the point here.

    1. I'm not on a hell of a lot. I like living in the real world, thank you for understanding.

    2. Don't invite me to an event on facebook. I have a cellphone and email address for a reason
    (should one of those not be at your disposal, pity...)

    3. Don't start a conversation with me via the inbox/wall unless you don't want an immediate reply.
    (Please refer point one for reasons)

    4. Facebook Apps, nope I don't play them. Don't invite me I have a rule, you get three strikes then I delete you. please don't waste your time inviting me

    (I'll add more points depending on situations and scenarios.)

    for now that is all.

    I have enough buy-in on my other websites. Facebook is just a channel towards those in my opinion

    It's a good day, now we got that sorted. sunshine and butterflies can continue their merry making :-)

    Party Hard Party Long Party On!

    Facebook - Full Throttle

    Ha ZAH!

    Alrighty then. so had the Fan page Facebook for exactly a week.

    This is my review on the matter

    It's a colossal waste of time.

    So I guess my only option is to go back and dust off my old profile.

    It's like putting on a pair of shoes you wish you'd thrown away if you ask me

    but alas, sometimes the grubby takkies are good for something like playing in the garden or letting the dog chew.

    Facebook, here we go again.

    the damage...

    Wednesday, March 10, 2010

    Back on the Eff Bee

    Yup the headlines is not a typing error. I'm back on the book or faces. well of course it wouldn't be as good story if there wasn't a catch would it? Just set up a basic fan page. can't be bothered with the struggle of reading invites to events I've never heard of nor have no interest in attending. or with having read that someone decided to get the high score on some soul crushingly stupid facebook game. so a fan page will do nicely. everyone can see my basic stuff and I can see there's. Great Solution.

    So yeah if you in the neighbourhood of Facebook.

    Robert Diddles Philcox

    otherwise blogs are the way of the future


    Party Hard, Party Long, Party On